sobota, 28. julij 2012

iskanje (life hunting)

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia 

 iskanje je še en produktov delavnice Celje Fokus 2012. V tej seriji se res očitno vidi vpliv mentorice. Na trenutke imam občutek, da je serija bolj njena, kot moja ... Zato tokrat lahko vidite subtilnost, ki jo baje premorem. Da bi bilo zame vse skupaj lažje, sem fotografije vsebinsko povezala s svojimi avtorskimi zapisi in enim citatom. To sem storila tako, da sem zapisala misli na navaden papir, ki sem ga fotografirala različno osvetljenega in nad različnimi "teksturami", nato sem iz njega naredila transparenten sloj, ki sem ga nalepila na osnovno fotografijo. Na fotografijah se zato ponekod pozna rahla osvetljenost in različne teksture.

life hunting is another product of the Celje Fokus 2012 workshop. This serial is mostly influenced by my mentor. Sometimes i feel like she's made it without me being around ... So this time you can find out something new about me (subtileness that even I am not sure i own). To make it all easier for me as a more of a writer than of a photographer, we decided that it would be the best for me to do some "multitasking". So I written my thoughts (and one quote) on different sheets of paper and took pictures of these papers under different shadow and texture circumstances. I have written translations under pictures, because texts on them are in Slovene language.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

People ask rhetorical questions a lot. There are usually some annoying that were not needed to be asked if someone thought before opening their mouth. And there are others, awfully unpleasant, that they boast with.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

She was nesting so long that she trapped them both.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia 

I believe that trust is a foundation of society. I am sure that trust is a key to all the best pranks.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

No hand can choke like solitude.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

I know you want to let him in but i am not sure if that is a good idea.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

Would you, please, argue your assumption?

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

Paradox of life: we leave to come back.

iskanje (life hunting), workshop celje fokus, celje, slovenia

 Socialism would have been an ideal political movement, for which the mankind was not ready yet. (K. P., 6-7 years ago)

 If chaos is not rational, how can it cause catharsis and peace that together make perfect sense?

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